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Thursday 6 January 2011

Kick-Ass becomes reality!

Written by Kelly Alyse
Piece written for Blogomatic3000 and The Film Obsession

Phoenix Jones
One of the most popular films of 2010 seems to have taken over 10 people's lives quite literally. CNN reported that in Seattle, there is a real life Kick-Ass type character fighting crime that usually passers by would just ignore. Phoenix Jones is apparently the name you call when in trouble.

One man reported that whilst his car was attempting to be broken into, a figure "wearing this skin-tight rubber black and gold suit" came along and chased the criminal away. 

Every night Phoenix walks into a comic book store, changes his clothing to the appropriate superhero latex (through a hidden door, I might add), and patrols the streets waiting to solve crime. He believes he's proving to  the average person that they don't have to walk around, see bad things and do nothing. You would say that when your weapon of choice is a taser, and you've also got mace spray with protective bullet proof vests and metal shields - That's not usually the gear I'd wear if I was on a night out, besides the latex, of course. 

It sounds completely unbelievable, far fetched, and maybe this guy has a screw loose, but if he and his 9 other companions have prevented crime and kept people safe so far, this Kick-Ass wannabe gang is doing an alright job for me! It would be interesting if Kick-Ass actually turned into a biopic told before the real life events had actually happened. I'd like to know who Hit Girl is. 

Watch the CNN report here:

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